Thirty fourth week of pregnancy is one of the most precarious stages during the period the infant is in the mother’s womb. It is the stage in which major organs of baby are at development stage. At this stage mother should be very careful because this is the week in which the baby positions itself in her womb and survival chances increases when baby is born after 34th week of pregnancy, if everything is normal with the baby.  Although some complications may occur but these are short term, babies born after this period i.e pregnancy after 34th week acquire complete normal life in long terms and hardly makes any difference with the fully matured babies. The mother feels a lot of discomfort and heaviness. But this pain is worth for giving birth to a beautiful baby.

Changes in 34th week pregnant woman’s fetus:
Normally Baby in 34th week weights around 4 to 5 pounds, bones developed fully but still flexible with week joints.

The average length of 34th week baby is about 17 to 18 inches, fat begins to accumulate in baby’s body which helps in maintaining the body temperature when the baby is born.

Central nervous system and lungs have just finished development.
Changes in body of the mother:

The pressure in the lungs and the chest which was huge before the 34th week for the pregnant mother will reduce.

The fetus movement in 34th week towards the pelvis will lead little pain.  The bottom of the belly becomes sensitive and the tissues surrounding it become gentle.

Woman will expirence heartburn. Since the levels of the acids inside the body is imbalanced after each knock from the 34th week pregnant fetus woman are said to expirence heartburn’s. Read More...
Body parts like the hands, face parts, legs, sides of the wists and feet bottom will start swelling. It is mandatory to contact the health advisory if the swelling is severe and if it is leading to dizziness, fainting and headache. Don’t worry and be patient as this phenomenon can be a reason of preeclampsia.

Because of retention of water swelling appears. The only way to get rid of it is just to drink more water. These symptoms disappear after the human pregnancy in 34th week is passed.

Tips from 34th week pregnancy India:

The solution for the heart burn during 34th pregnancy week is to eat seven to eight times a day rather than the daily routine of large meals of three times a day.

Remember the 34th week pregnant mother is carrying a life inside her.  Avoid wearing any kind of tight cloths which can be discomfort for the child or the mother. Loose, cloths of comfort or baggy clothes are advised.  This will be easy to go around, take a walk or rest on sofa.

If you want to go for a massage to reduce pains go for it. If your friends and family is around take help from them or find a massage center. This can help in reducing pain and swelling.

If you are a photography jerk. Go for it. This 34th week pregnancy development is the cutoff time for any kinds of photographs. The so called maternity photos. It gets hard to move the belli after the week is passed.

Stay away from cigarettes also smokers. This air can be harmful for the baby inside. Other things like alcohol, tobacco etc. should be avoided. Remember health is the prior thing to take care of. Read More...
What is mundan?

Mundan or hair removal ceremony-India is a religious practice performed in all Hindu households wherein the child gets his/her first haircut. It is believed that the hair that the baby is born with carry traits from previous lives which have to be removed by shaving off the hair. Baby mundan is performed by almost all Hindu families, as well as some Muslim households for babies in the age range of of 0 to 3 years. This ceremony holds great spiritual significance as per the Vedas.

Significance of Mundan ceremony:

Mundan is believed to purify the child from the effects of his previous births. However, there are several beliefs surrounding the practicality of Mundan, which have been listed here. Mundan ceremony is performed for Hindus for the following reasons:
  • It is believed that one has to pass through 64 yonis to take birth as a human. Hence Mundan ceremony is essential to eliminate the unwanted traits of these previous births and purify the child to begin his life as a human.
  • It is also believed that Mundan enhances the flow of intelligence in the baby’s system and make him more knowledgeable from childhood.
  • Mundan protects the child from evil eyes and blesses him with a bright future and good fortune.
  • Shaving off the hair brings down the temperature and keeps the baby calm, especially during summer.
  • It improves growth and texture of hair.
  • The pains and headache experienced by the child during teething are also reduced. Read More...

Many people are perplexed that when they can remove baby’s hair first time, as deciding the time for Mundan is very important. People ask questions regarding which date is good for baby first head hair removal to their family pundit. As per Hindu scriptures, the date for Mundan ceremony has to be during an odd year and odd month of baby’s life. Mundan must also be performed when the child is no more than 3 years, although not every household believes in this. The position of Sun and Moon are also crucial and a day is selected after proper consideration to these aspects.

How is Mundan performed?

All families have their own traditions regarding this ceremony. People invite their close friends and relatives to their home or some other convenient location. Many families prefer the venue to be a holy temple or banks of holy rivers like Ganga or Yamuna. If one s wondering about what are the religious places where first hair removal can be performed, famous temples or places of spiritual significance to the family can be chosen. The priests and relatives bless the child and Mundan ceremony gifts are given to the child, which may include toys, clothes, fruits, cash and jewellery for the child. The barber or hairdresser shaves off the child’s hair at the auspicious time as decided by the family pundit.

Mundan is known by different names in different communities and different parts of India. Mundan of girl child in Bangalore is a special rite which is a homely affair, like many other parts of the country. Good places for Mundan ceremony in Bangalore include Vekantesha Temple or Tirupati Temple, situated near Hosur. It depends on the family and their religious beliefs to choose an appropriate venue for this auspicious rite. Read More...
It seems that your little bundle of joy that slept in your arms the other day has grown so fast, that it is time to start looking for a preschool. Parents have several apprehensions regarding the right age for play school and the preschool that they should opt for. Though play schools start accepting children at a very tender age, it is entirely up to the parents when they deem their child has reached the optimum age for play school. In the following section, we will cover some important facets of development that will help decide whether your child has reached the right age for nursery admission in India, as there is no hard and fast rule to abide by when it comes to determining the correct age for play school for your little one.

Questions one should discuss to determine the right age for preschool for their child:

In today’s age, parents do not have time with their tight working schedules and managing homes at the same time, so they think that admitting their child to a good preschool at the earliest is the best way out to ensure their child’s complete development. Sadly, this is not true. Most of the schools start accepting students when they are about 2.5 years of age, but a number of factors come into account when it comes to determining the right age for schooling in India, and simply thinking that the child has all the skills required to manage school activities at such an age is not the right approach.

Is the child independent:
most preschools require that the child is able to take care of himself to a certain extent, like being potty trained, sleeping on his own, and washing his hands before and after a meal. If not, the child needs to be trained before joining a preschool and thus that time, will not be the best age for playschool for such a child.

Separation issues:
if the child has not spent any time away from his parents, it is going to be a tough call determining what the correct age for preschool is for such a child. The child is going to have a tough time in adjusting himself to an all new surrounding without any familiar faces if it is first time in such a scenario.
Development of child’s imagination: a vital factor in deciding what is the right age for nursery admission is to assess whether your child has the basic knowledge of the world around him and is interested in doing craft and art work on his own. If the child is interested in exploring new items and solving puzzles, he is suitable for admission. If not, the parents can prepare their child for preschool by giving some time each day to the child. Read More...
One must aim at creating an atmosphere similar to preschool at home. The child’s room must be full of engaging art and craft items and story books to enthuse his creativity. When the parents are doing their work, they can keep the child occupied by giving the child small and interesting tasks like modeling toys out of play dough or drawing their favorite things. Buy educational toys for the child and take time out to communicate with the child and also explain the purpose of preschool. Right age for playschool India for a child will depend on his readiness to induclge in curricular activities.

The child must not think of preschool as a burden. This is a crucial factor in deciding the right age for preschool in India. If the parents want to get their child enrolled, it is important that the child must be taught to think positively and think of school as fun. Take him to parks or social gatherings frequently where he/she will learn to interact with other children of his age and will be more comfortable in a classroom in future.

If the child is shy and does not talk to others, it is important that he starts interacting. To this end, encourage the child to take part in discussions and greet relatives. When you have visitors at your place, teach the child to introduce himself and make conversation with people, which will open him up gradually and build confidence.

If one is wondering what is the right age for preschool, first ensure your child is potty trained and can take care of him. Also, the child must be healthy and any health related concerns must be communicated to the preschool authorities to take special care of your child. Read More...

A 6 month old baby should be provided with a diet that is rich in a variety of nutrients like vitamins and minerals, derived mainly from liquids but a little from solids too. A diet plan for 6 months old baby ensures he gets a balanced diet to support proper development. At this age, the baby is prone to infections as well as diseases like anemia and malnutrition; hence diet chart for 6 month old baby India is the best way out to provide all essential nutrients to keep the immunity system strong.

However, one must know that each baby is different in when he/she starts to accept solid foods and hence diet chart for 6 month old Indian baby will vary. Your six month old must begin to accept a fixed schedule for having food, as dictated by the baby diet chart at 6 months. However, the schedule must not be very strict. The prime components of diet plan for a six month old baby have been discussed in the forthcoming section.

Always remember to introduce new foods in the baby’s diet slowly, rather than all at once. Some babies eat a few spoons of solid foods while some will accept a greater quantity. It will entirely depend on the baby, not on the diet chart for 6 months baby.

According to the 6 month baby diet chart India, the babies this age must have 3 to 4 ounces of food every day. Parents must learn to understand the baby cues to know if she is full or can have more feed, like when she opens her mouth or leans in when the spoon is brought close to her mouth. If the child turns her head away or keeps her mouth shut, do not force her to have more bites. Read More...

1.) The diet plan for 6 month old baby must include both solid and liquid foods.

Parents must ensure that they never feed the child forcefully as overeating often leads to tummy pain and gas problems in infants, indicated by hours of wailing.

Start giving the child egg yolk twice or more each week. At this point, the diet chart for 6 month Indian baby does not include boiled egg as the child may be allergic to it.

Breast milk is still the most important source of nutrition for your infant. Diet chart for 6 months old baby suggests that one does not immediately switch to whole milk but continue on breast milk and make this transition gradually.

Another source of balanced nutrition is baby cereal, which must be served to the child or breakfast as well as dinner. Doctors recommend that the diet chart for kids of six months must include mashed fruits like mashed banana, boiled and mashed apples as well. Encourage the child to have citrus fruit juices after confirming that the child is not allergic to any of them. Fruit juices are an important source of liquid nutrition for the infants.

Green vegetables can also be boiled and mashed to feed your 6 month old. Mashed green peas, beans and khichri are good options according to sample 6 months baby diet chart.

Boiled rice and dal water are nutritious and are easily digested, hence are ideal for infants. 6 month baby diet chart includes these options as well.
8.) Diet chart for 6 months old baby India must make sure that the parents  learn to not to give their baby big chunks of solid food as the baby might choke on them. The food must be broken into small bits and hard and crunchy foods are a strict no-no for an infant this age. Read More...

A pregnant woman must have a balanced diet that is nourishing for her as well as her developing baby. During pregnancy, the baby derives all the necessary nutrition from the mother itself, while the mother undergoes a plethora of physical, hormonal and mental changes. To cope up with this stress, special care must be given to the woman’s diet to keep up with the course of pregnancy. However, while maintaining a balanced diet, one must also remember the foods to avoid during pregnancy in India. There are a number of edible items which are hazardous during pregnancy but are considered perfectly safe when consumed otherwise. One’s elders and the caregiver may draw attention to a chart of what not to eat during pregnancy in India. Here, we are going to discuss what not to eat during pregnancy and the reason why:

Papaya: one of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy in India is papaya, as it is known to cause miscarriages. The truth is that raw papaya is harmful for a pregnant woman as it contains latex that is known to induce contractions. Therefore, while one may consume fully ripened papaya fruit, unripe papaya can be detrimental to the pregnancy. Banana, ripe mango and black grapes are very nutritious and must be included in a pregnant woman’s diet.

Sesame seeds, jaggery and nuts: it is believed that sesame seeds can lead to uterus contractions, losing the fetus. Ground sesame seeds along with jaggery were used to induce abortion naturally in parts of India. Therefore, sesame seeds figure in the list of Indian foods not to eat during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Nuts like walnut, dates, raisins and pistachios are safe when consumed in moderation.

Indian foods to avoid during pregnancy: constipation and gas problems are common woes during pregnancy. To reduce such symptoms, do not eat high calorie fattening foods like paratha, thepla, kachauri, handwa, khaman and kadhi which can cause acidity. Eating sweet corn during pregnancy is advantageous as it is light on tummy and nutritious. Read More...

Indian vegetables to avoid during pregnancy: eggplant (baigan), chillies, garlic, onion, yam, ginger and celery must be cut down to ensure you do not lose your baby. On the other hand, consumption of seasonal vegetables like turai, lauki, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and parwal is hugely beneficial as they are high on nutrients. Use a number of vegetables in your diet rather than sticking to only one or two.

Herbs and spices: if one is wondering what not to eat during pregnancy in Indian food, take note of certain spices that must be avoided. Fennel seeds (saunf) and fenugreek contain compounds that act like estrogen and induce contractions of the uterus. Ajinomoto is also excluded from food chart during pregnancy as it can cause damage to the baby’s developing brain.

Raw eggs and unpasteurized milk: raw eggs may be contaminated by the salmonella virus, which can infect the woman and can cause damage to the baby. Same is the case with unpasteurized milk that can contain listeria. Listeria can cross the placenta and can infect the baby. Hence these are foods to avoid during pregnancy in India.

Seafood: oily fishes are beneficial for the mother. However, not all types of fish can be eaten during pregnancy. High mercury content fishes like mackerel and swordfish figure in the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy in India as they can cause serious brain damage to the developing fetus, causing retardation or mental disorders.  Oysters, smoked salmon and sashimi must be also be skipped.

Adapt to a healthy lifestyle: What not to eat in pregnancy in India will also include high caffeine content drinks like colas, coffee and tea. It goes without saying that alcohol, drugs and tobacco must be avoided before, during and after pregnancy. Read More...