A child between the ages of 6-12 months requires a lot of nutrients like minerals and vitamins to have a proper growth. Most of the children in this age group suffer from diseases like anemia, malnutrition etc due to insufficient intake of the required nutrients. Like an adult’s body, a child’s body also requires minerals and proteins to grow and fight with the diseases. The parents should see to it that their child is given a proper diet rich in the required things. Parents should keep in mind the following points:
  • During this period start switching your child from mother’s milk to whole milk as whole milk contains fats required for your child.
  • Your child’s diet must include both liquid as well as solid things.
  • Don’t over feed your child as this would result in his stomach ache or gas formation.
  • Give him unsweetened fruit juice. Dilute the juice and then give it to him. Also do not give juice during night time as it may result in tooth decay.
  • Give him egg yolk at least twice a week. Read More...

You may have often seen a child shouting and screaming at the top of his voice at the shopping mall or a restaurant. A scolding parent and an uncontrollably crying child, one can quote it as a normal scene at public places. Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be caught in the same situation in near future? To save you from such an embarrassing position, here are some tips to handle a toddler’s tantrum in public:
  • Be aware of your child’s behaviour: you must know about your kid’s nature and behaviour as he/she grows up. This will help you distract the child as soon as you see an upcoming tantrum. Engage the child in some other activity to make him/her forget about what he/she was thinking.
  • Pay attention to the child: many children start getting upset and irritated if they are hungry, tired or thirsty. The child may have to wait for a long time before your chores like shopping, paying the bills are over and he might get bored and upset in that time. So, carry light snacks with you to never let your child suffer from pangs of hunger. You can also try talking to the child frequently so that he does not feel left out. Read More

For most mothers, pregnancy is just the onset of being a parent and thus during that period of pregnancy, mothers are supposed to be able to start tuning their thoughts and emotions to accept the great role ahead of them so that sudden happenings does not come to them.

However, the baby’s awareness and the mother’s desire to be a good mother become some reliable sources of energy and also stress because the two will often go together while ensuring the mother performing her roles carefully and according to the standard baby requirements.

Connect with your baby

Knowing more about babies does not make one to become a good mother as there are other factors that must connect the mother and the baby such as the mother must know when the baby starts to love her because babies often get attracted to human face at their first sight and this procedure is called attachment work for deep and lasting love. Read More...

To get a pregnant is a dream of every woman. Pregnancy changes life of woman. Woman experiences great feeling during pregnancy. It is very essential to know about pregnancy in early stage to start tender care. Experienced mother or woman when she gets pregnant for the second time can easily identified her pregnancy, but many women who get pregnant for the first time may not know easily about her pregnancy. There are many signs or tips that can help you to confirm with you that you are pregnant or not.

Important Information to Identify Pregnancy Symptoms

When you missed your period

When your periods stop, it becomes first symptoms of pregnancy. In addition, if you feel swollen on breasts, itchy sensation around the nipples. Missing period is considered most trustworthy symptoms of pregnancy. If your period is not regular, then home pregnancy test is more advisable. It is very easy to perform and reliable. Read More...