Finding the correct name for your baby can prove to be quite a tricky proposition indeed! In India people wait for the baby to be born, and then scramble to search for a name for their child! This is unlike western countries, where parents do some planning and spend some quality time zeroing in on the right name months before their baby is born!

Anyways, here are some tips that will help you find just the right name for your little one!

1.) SPEND SOME TIME WITH YOUR SPOUSE: It is always advisable to spend some time in searching for good Indian names with your spouse, rather than doing it alone. If your partner is not too tuned into researching for names on the internet, you could plan to get some print-outs of all the names shortlisted by you so that both of you can search through them.

2.) SHORTLIST: Do not pick just one name. It is always better to assemble a list of options, so that you can pick and choose the best one from them. And never settle for a name that you liked just because your neighbor’s daughter sports it or because your boss’s son is called so!

3.) TRY TO KEEP THE SILLY ONES OUT: It is better to refrain from giving your child a nick name that is short but equally silly! Jojo, for instance, or even Bittoo! Short names tend to stick, and nick names can remain with your child for life. So while nick names sound cute, especially when your baby is small, try to avoid giving your baby a nick name. Instead, try to dedicate some time in this effort and you could come up with some really nice names for your baby!


It is quite common for most communities across the Indian sub-continent to choose names for their baby based on the rashi system. In Indian astrology, the zodiac is sub-divided into 12 equal parts, and this division is called a Rashi.

There are 12 houses or Rashis:

KARKA:  for babies born in the English Zodiac sign of Cancer

The alphabets D and H are associated with this Rashi; boys and girls born between the period of June 21 and July 22 are given names starting from D and H.

Some popular names for baby boys who are born in the Karka Rashi are:

Baby boy names starting with the alphabet D :
Daanish, Daivick, Daksh, Dakshak, Daivam, Darshil, Darpak, Darpan, Dev, Deb, Debanshu, Deep, Deepak, Deepansh, Deeptoman, Devang, Devarya, Devya,

Baby boy names starting with the alphabet H:

Haarish, Haneesh, Hanush, Hardik, Harditya, Harbir, Haren, Hareeth, Hardit, Harman, Haroun, Harsh, Harsheel, Harshit,

Baby girl names starting with the alphabet D :

Daina, Darshana, Dapanshi, Darshini, Damyaa, Deekshana, Deepa, Deepal, Deepika, Deeya,Deveshi, Devashree, Dibyanshi, Diti, Dishita, Disha, Divi

Baby girl names starting with the alphabet H:

Hanshika, Hana, Harini, Harleen, Hanvita, Haripriya, Harshali, Harshaa, Harvii, Harneet, Harnoor, Hashrita, Haya, Hassini, Heer, Hia, Himaa, Henna,

For More Information : Indian Baby Names
When a mother gives birth to her baby her life transforms into one sublimely beautiful experience for both herself and her spouse! Giving birth to a little one is one of life’s most uplifting moments; the next step of the journey begins when both the excited parents have to choose a name for their baby! This is indeed the first stage of the whole exciting world of parenting, when a good baby name has to be chosen. It cannot be taken lightly though, as the little one will have a name all of its own, and this name will remain with the infant for the rest of his or her life!

Finding A Suitable Baby Name

The search for a baby name is in itself a very satisfying process, and if it is planned well it can be a creative experience for both the parents. Nowadays parents like to spend some valuable time in doing some research – there are thousands of names available – especially Indian names. Indian baby names are usually derived from the ancient language that has been around in our country for centuries – Sanskrit – and if parents spend some time in digging through the treasure of names available they can come up with some really nice names.

Many times the new parents find themselves flooded with suggestions, advice and tips on finding the right name for their baby. The wise thing here would be to refrain from getting influenced but both parents should try and steer clear of all the clutter and remain focused on finding a name by themselves! Finding an apt baby name is a beautiful part of the entire journey of parenting and this should not be spoilt by family relatives or friends jumping on to the bandwagon and insisting that their advice be taken seriously!

Popular Baby Names

Although there are many baby names that are tremendously popular, parents should take into account some basic factors while drilling down to a baby name:
  • They could take their own names into consideration while selecting a name- for instance, if the mother’s name is Veena and the father’s name is Jayant, a nice name for a baby girl could be “Ravija”, or if it is a boy it could be “Veeyant”!
  • Parents could also keep the first alphabets of their names in mind – for instance, if both their names begin with the letter “S”, a suitable name for the child could also begin with the letter S.
  • The sibling’s name could also be taken into account heres - if, for example, the elder sister’s name is Ananyaa, then the younger baby’s name could be Anushka, if it is a girl. Both names sound rather nice together!

Top Indian Baby Names

There are some top Popular Indian Baby Names doing the rounds right now:

Top Indian Girl Names :

Navya, Twisha, Trisha, Saayli, Aradhya, Ishika, Behaag, Priyanka

Top Indian Boy Names :

Abhishek, Aarav, Arvaan, Dhruv, Geet, Om, Arnav, Aarya

For More Information : Indian Baby Names
What is mundan?

Mundan or hair removal ceremony-India is a religious practice performed in all Hindu households wherein the child gets his/her first haircut. It is believed that the hair that the baby is born with carry traits from previous lives which have to be removed by shaving off the hair. Baby mundan is performed by almost all Hindu families, as well as some Muslim households for babies in the age range of of 0 to 3 years. This ceremony holds great spiritual significance as per the Vedas.

Significance of Mundan ceremony:

Mundan is believed to purify the child from the effects of his previous births. However, there are several beliefs surrounding the practicality of Mundan, which have been listed here. Mundan ceremony is performed for Hindus for the following reasons:
  • It is believed that one has to pass through 64 yonis to take birth as a human. Hence Mundan ceremony is essential to eliminate the unwanted traits of these previous births and purify the child to begin his life as a human.
  • It is also believed that Mundan enhances the flow of intelligence in the baby’s system and make him more knowledgeable from childhood.
  • Mundan protects the child from evil eyes and blesses him with a bright future and good fortune.
  • Shaving off the hair brings down the temperature and keeps the baby calm, especially during summer.
  • It improves growth and texture of hair.
  • The pains and headache experienced by the child during teething are also reduced. Read More...

Many people are perplexed that when they can remove baby’s hair first time, as deciding the time for Mundan is very important. People ask questions regarding which date is good for baby first head hair removal to their family pundit. As per Hindu scriptures, the date for Mundan ceremony has to be during an odd year and odd month of baby’s life. Mundan must also be performed when the child is no more than 3 years, although not every household believes in this. The position of Sun and Moon are also crucial and a day is selected after proper consideration to these aspects.

How is Mundan performed?

All families have their own traditions regarding this ceremony. People invite their close friends and relatives to their home or some other convenient location. Many families prefer the venue to be a holy temple or banks of holy rivers like Ganga or Yamuna. If one s wondering about what are the religious places where first hair removal can be performed, famous temples or places of spiritual significance to the family can be chosen. The priests and relatives bless the child and Mundan ceremony gifts are given to the child, which may include toys, clothes, fruits, cash and jewellery for the child. The barber or hairdresser shaves off the child’s hair at the auspicious time as decided by the family pundit.

Mundan is known by different names in different communities and different parts of India. Mundan of girl child in Bangalore is a special rite which is a homely affair, like many other parts of the country. Good places for Mundan ceremony in Bangalore include Vekantesha Temple or Tirupati Temple, situated near Hosur. It depends on the family and their religious beliefs to choose an appropriate venue for this auspicious rite. Read More...
The parents of a newborn are really excited to know about the personality traits of their baby. It is exhilarating to know what their baby will be like when he/she grows up. It is believed that astrology provides accurate predictions of the baby’s personality based on the zodiac sign. New born baby astrology is popular for determining the sun sign of the newborn and providing newborn baby horoscope. Horoscope for newborn baby gives general predictions about the day, week or month to come while astrological predictions are also useful in knowing about the persona, behavior and inclinations of a newborn according to the sun sign.

Newborn baby astrology:

In the following section, we give a brief overview of newborn baby horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs. Horoscope for newborn child is an exciting way to know about our babies in a whole new dimension.

  • Aries baby (21st March-19th April): those born under the Aries sign are born leaders and confident in what they do. Your baby will have an active mind and body and will learn to do things like talking, reading and waking much earlier. Such babies are also affectionate, generous but moody. An Aries baby girl personality will be caring, loving but dynamic and active too. They have a creative vision and like to do things their own way, hence taking care of an Aries baby is sometimes tough.
  • Taurus baby (20th April-20th May): babies under this sign are quiet, peaceful and harmonious with their surroundings. They tend to double the affection received but are generally shy and may hide their feelings. Parents must encourage the child to indulge in art, literature and music which will help the child in expressing herself. Like the bull, a Taurus baby can be stubborn sometimes and constantly work to achieve their goal in life.
  • Gemini baby (21st may-20th June): Gemini babies grow to become the liveliest teenagers who are indulged in every activity and enjoy their life completely. They are talkative and fun-loving. A Gemini baby will dislike being restricted to a space, as they need plenty of room to explore their surroundings. They are imaginative, have a lot of friends and are inquisitive. A Gemini baby girl sports future is also bright, as Gemini’s are naturals when it comes to sports. Read More...
  • Cancer baby (21st June- 22nd July): the Cancer babies need to feel loved and protected often.  Hug the baby and soothe him to keep the mood upbeat. Most often, July baby personality is characterized by being independent, fascination by new objects, colors and places. However, they are irritable and moody sometimes and need love to reassure that everything is okay. Cancer babies are known for crying very frequently.
  • Leo baby (23rd July-22nd Aug): A Leo baby is adventurous, friendly and playful. They like to be the centre of attraction and love partying and indulging in physical activities. They have a warm nature and trust others easily; therefore they need support when they are wronged.
  • Virgo baby (23rd Aug- 22nd Sept): Virgo baby girl personality will come out to be of an ideal child, who is obedient, tidy and organized. Such children are often shy but open up gradually. They are likely to be active and help around the house. They are early readers, talkers and excellent mimics.
  • Libra baby (23rd Sept-22nd Oct): Libra babies are born beautiful. They are kind hearted children who like to play fair. A Libra child is expected to be thoughtful, disciplined, with keen interest in books and argues about his point of view amicably.
  • Scorpio baby (23rd Oct-21ST Nov): Scorpio babies have a reputation for being intelligent, with insatiable thirst of knowing everything, and are go-getters. As children, they are likely to keep their thoughts secret so parents must communicate with such children more frequently.
  • Sagittarius baby( 22nd Nov-22nd Dec): newborn horoscope for babies born under this sign states that they are happy and fun-loving kids who like to make friends but will be equally content paying alone. As a kid, they are going to pick up a lot more bruises and cuts than other children, being constantly agile and playing rough games. They are inquisitive and independent.
  • Capricorn baby (23rd Dec- 19th Jan): horoscope for baby boys born in January are mostly Capricorn which are self-contained babies. They like the company of those who are elder than them and have only a few close friends. These grow up to be strong willed and driven individuals with a passion for creating new things. These are usually not outdoorsy.
  • Aquarius baby (20th Jan-18th Feb): Aquarius babies are unpredictable, being sensitive at one instant and rebellious the other. They have a lot of ideas and have sharp minds. They look more confident than they actually are, so these children require care and support of parents.
  • Pisces baby (19th Feb-20th March): these are the most imaginative and creative of all- the ones who believe in fairies, unicorns and Santa Claus. They will win everyone around them with their sweet smile and are sometimes over-attached to animals and peoples, rather than their toys. Read More...
An essential part of the baby shower ceremony is the godh bharai games during which playful teasing is a must. The games include guessing the baby’s gender for fun and making a list of the names for the future baby. Ladies indulge in a fair deal of dancing and singing of special traditional songs made for this ceremony. They may enact skits to tease the mother-to-be and her husband or present the future before them when the little baby enters their life. The festivities last for hours and are culminated by a feast for all the relatives and friends.

Tips for an exciting baby shower India:
  • Godh bharai is a time to enjoy the support and love of all the close friends and relatives. Make sure you take help from the elders in the family as well as your loved ones to make this ceremony a joyous event for all and also save yourself from unnecessary hectic schedules.
  • Take proper rest before the ceremony to enjoy these few special hours with ease. Dress yourself like a bride in a special saree, lehenga or salwar kameez but ensure that you are comfortable. Avoid very heavy clothing or jewellery that is suffocating.
  • Since the mother is showered with so many gifts, it may be a great idea to present small tokens of appreciation to all the women participating in the ceremony. Such godh bharai gift ideas include bangles, bindis, dupattas, perfumes or cosmetics. One may arrange for artists who apply henna to palms of all the ladies attending the ceremony. Read More...

God Bharai is a special celebration that takes place to endow blessings upon the Hindu pregnant woman. This is the Indian version of a baby shower, a ceremony to welcome the unborn child into the family and give the mother abundant blessings and gifts for the two of them symbolizing happiness in the future of the couple. The Indian baby shower ceremony is known as Godh Bharai in North india and by several other names in different parts of the country, like Seemandham in Kerela while being known as Shaad in West Bengal. The gujarati Godh Bharai ceremony is known as Srimanth where all the sisters-in-law have a important role. The name and godh bharai rituals may vary from community to community, but the basic idea is to bless the child and the family with blessings in abundance.

When does baby shower in India take place?

The meaning of baby shower or Godh Bharai a special ceremony held in North India to welcome the baby soon to be born in the family. This ceremony takes place when the woman completes her 7th month of pregnancy. The literal meaning of the term “God Bharai” is to fill the lap, as the woman’s lap is filled with fruits and gifts for the baby and the mother as a part of the Godh bharai rasam (ritual).

How does the godh bharai ceremony take place?

The couple is very excited about this ceremony and makes endless preparations. At the end of the seventh month, the baby is considered to be at a safe stage and hence this ceremony marks the beginning of celebrations owing to the joy of a new baby in the family. The Hindu baby shower ceremony takes place traditionally in the presence of only women, and involves several sacred rituals, games, music and dances.

First of all, the mother-to-be is dresses in a special saree and anointed by herbal oils that are considered holy by female elders of the family. Thereafter, a puja is conducted before the festivities begin. The pregnant lady is made to wear jewels like bangles especially made for this occasion and her lap is filled with godh bharai gifts like jewels, fruits, sweets, clothes and cash for the mother. In a majority of homes, the gifts are meant only for the mother while the gifts for the baby are given only after the birth. Read More...
Co-curricular activities are an essential part of the curriculum of preschoolers. Such activities enhance the child’s confidence and help them know more about their surroundings from an early age. An exciting activity for children in the age group of 3 to 5 years is a fancy dress competition for kids. Fancy dress competitions give your child a chance to showcase their favorite personalities or show their imagination to others. Parents have an equally ecstatic time dressing up their bundle of joy in colorful attires and enact on the stage. There are several fancy dress themes that can be chosen by your kid’s school or daycare facility. If not, your child or you can decide upon one of fancy dress ideas that will make your child stand out from the other kids.

Winning such competitions gives your child an incredible moral boost that shapes his overall persona and encourages him to participate in more activities. There are several ideas for fancy dress for kids, whether girls or boys. Some fancy dress competition ideas for kids include:

Fancy Dress ideas for boys:

If you have a sparkling young lad that keep you on your toes all day long, dressing him up as a superhero like Spiderman or Batman may seem like a great idea. One can take inspiration from the child’s favorite story book, nursery rhymes or cartoon shows. Some such popular characters include Flintstones, Tom and Jerry, Alladin or Mickey Mouse. Other ideas for fancy dress for kids may include:

Dressing kids as a historical or religious character : if the parents want to present a good example before the child, one may consider options like Mahatma Gandhi, Gautam Buddha, Jawahar Lal Nehru or Tilak. These are the famous names of Indian History and one may consider them as a shining example or morals, principles and leadership skills which will inspire your little child. You may also choose Gods like Lord Shiva, Lord Rama or go for Lord Ganesha if you have a cute and plump boy as suitable ideas for fancy dress competition for boys.

New ideas for fancy dress competition for kids : may include dressing them up as new faces like Rahul Gandhi, Sachin Tendulkar, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam or a speaking Tree or Mother Earth to explain the importance of Nature as well.

Dressing the kid like animals or plants : a good example in such a case can be the Tiger. Dressing up as renowned or endangered species of animals will win applaud on spreading awareness amongst the kids and adults alike. Kids fancy dress ideas include costumes of a dustbin, a lifeless tree or a dry water tap to bring attention to the burning issues in a fun and interesting way. Such ideas are different from convention and have a message too.

Fancy dress competition ideas for girls:

Girls prefer costumes that are more colorful and vibrant. This may be your baby girl’s first opportunity to dress up pretty and put on make-up. Fancy dress for kids this type will include costumes of fairies, and Goddesses like Lakshmi and Durga. Your teeny tiny girl may also dress up as Mother India or Mother Earth and tell the audience about her country and nature.

Kids fancy dress competition are an opportunity for your child to express her views and her likes and dislikes. Some girls may choose to enact their ambition in the competition. Children this age are very imaginative and may want to become a doctor, nurse, engineer, air hostess or a florist. All these are great kids fancy dress competition ideas.

Themes for fancy dress competition for kids also include dressing up the child as of opposite gender. For example, a girl may enact as being Mahatma Gandhi or improvise on male characters like choosing to be Lady Superman, which will be quite fun.

For More Information : Fancy dress ideas for preschoolers

You may have often seen a child shouting and screaming at the top of his voice at the shopping mall or a restaurant. A scolding parent and an uncontrollably crying child, one can quote it as a normal scene at public places. Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be caught in the same situation in near future? To save you from such an embarrassing position, here are some tips to handle a toddler’s tantrum in public:
  • Be aware of your child’s behaviour: you must know about your kid’s nature and behaviour as he/she grows up. This will help you distract the child as soon as you see an upcoming tantrum. Engage the child in some other activity to make him/her forget about what he/she was thinking.
  • Pay attention to the child: many children start getting upset and irritated if they are hungry, tired or thirsty. The child may have to wait for a long time before your chores like shopping, paying the bills are over and he might get bored and upset in that time. So, carry light snacks with you to never let your child suffer from pangs of hunger. You can also try talking to the child frequently so that he does not feel left out. Read More