A one year old baby is growing at a great speed and requires a balanced diet containing all the nutrients. Although the main food for a baby is mother’s milk, yet now is the age when the food for 1 year baby must be modified to increase the calorie content and include numerous food items that are highly nutritious. To ensure that your kid grows healthy and remains fit, the diet chart for 1 year old baby must be balanced and contain a healthy mix of proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. To make sure that the child’s diet is suited for his age, the parents can consult a doctor to create a diet plan for 1 year baby.

Food chart for 1 year old baby India: India is a land of varied culture and cuisines. Owing to the multitude of food items eaten in different parts of the country, the range of items that can comprise a healthy diet for 1 year old baby are numerous. However, one must keep certain things in mind while designing a diet chart for 1 year old:

  • Do not make a sudden change from mother’s milk to solid foods. Take a step at a time and introduce new food for 1 year old Indian baby gradually.
  • The baby’s mouth and wind pipe are all delicate at this tender age. Hence diet plan for one year old baby should not include items like popcorn or walnuts on which the child may choke.
  • If you introduce the child to healthy foods right from the beginning, he will develop a taste for such nutritious items which will prove beneficial in the long run. Hence, give the child fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables instead of junk food and aerated drinks, chocolates and candies. Read More...

1.) Instead of mother’s milk, the diet plan for 1 year old baby must include whole milk which is rich in calcium and healthy fats.

2.) The baby’s stomach gets full easily, so food for 1 year old baby India should be broken down into 5 to 6 small meals fed a few hours apart.

3.) To keep the baby interested and ensure he does not become a picky eater, do experiment with food items and create something colorful and appealing every day.

An example diet chart for 1 year old baby boy is demonstrated below:

  • Start the day with a cup of whole milk, providing wholesome nutrition to the child.
  • For breakfast, mothers may consider serving the 1 year old with half a cup of Dalia, upma or poha. Otherwise, a small idli, half stuffed vegetable or paneer paratha are good options.
  • Brunch culture has gradually developed in every part of the world. For such mid- morning meals, the child can have a bowl of fruit chaat, a cup of juice or mix vegetable soup which is nourishing and delicious.
  • Lunch must be a wholesome meal providing all the essential nutrients. According to 1 year baby diet chart, the lunch must include half a cup of cooked pulses with rice or a small chapatti, half cup of biryani or pulao or some seasonal vegetables or a paneer based dish with chapatti or paratha.
  • In the evening, provide the child with a healthy glass of milk shake, fruit juice, fruit custard or a bowl of mixed seasonal fruits.
  • Dinner must be light for the baby’s tummy. Khichri, dosa, vegetable pizza and soybean parathas are some healthy and nutritious options.

The diet chart for 1 year old baby girl can also be designed in a similar manner. One can include many different food options but food chart for 1 year old baby India must be balanced and nourishing to ensure baby’s healthy development. Read More...
The society has drastically changed from what it was several decades back, and so has the outlook of people towards women. The time when a married woman devoted all her time for taking care of the family has long gone by, and women now manage the home front as well as work. The trend of working mothers has emerged quite rapidly, and is here to stay. The modern woman is considered fully capable of giving her child the right upbringing while supporting her family financially as well, being the biggest advantage of a working mother. People these days have different opinions about working mothers, while some believe that working mothers are better mothers, others believe that working mothers cannot take good care of their family. Here we are going to shed light on advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother:

Working mothers: Advantages and Disadvantages

A working woman is independent and is capable of supporting herself as well as her child on her own. In event of any unfortunate circumstances, a working woman is much better adept at taking care of her child than a housewife. This is the prime reason why some people claim that working mother are better mothers.

Another one of advantages of a working mother is they know how to harness their education and skills, and hence they can provide better education to their children. This is also possible because of more financial resources at the hands of a working couple, that they know what is best for their child and can enroll the child in numerous activities and classes that they find best for the development of their child.

People often wonder as to how a working mother manages the care of her children. This is because such mothers have a tight working schedule and learn to manage everything within the limited time frame. Read More...
Advantages of working mother:
  • They have to manage all the household chores on time and are often assisted by their spouses in the same, which also makes the children see and learn qualities like time management, discipline and tidiness. In comparison to a housewife’s children, these children have to be more alert, independent, confident and co-operative which will help them in their future lives.
  • Working mothers tend to have a stronger bond with their children. They spend fewer hours with their kids and hence shower all their love and affection upon them, as opposed to non-working mothers who can sometimes take the children for granted, having them before their eyes all day long.  This is another one of advantages working mother.
  • There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of working mothers. As the mothers have a more intense interaction with the child, the child also reciprocates with a greater affection. However, there is a flip side to every situation, as we will see now.

Disadvantages of working mother:

  • Added to the list of working mothers advantages and disadvantages is the guilt of not being able to give your child the time he/she deserves. Many mothers have to leave their babies in child care centers which leave them feeling irritated and anxious about their well being.
  • The child may feel alone and fall in bad company in search for friendship and affection, being alone in their house for most of the time. The parents do not have time to attend the important school meetings, functions, outings or talk to the child about his problems, which may develop guilt, inferiority or he may end up having depression in worst cases. Such cases are what greatly bring down the advantages in working mom advantages and disadvantages race.
  • The stress of juggling job and home front is too much in some cases. The dual responsibility requires thorough planning and round the clock work which is a huge minus in the list of advantages and disadvantages of working mother. Read More...

Morning sickness affects more than half of the pregnant women to varying extents. The nausea and vomiting occur due to hormonal changes and are extremely common in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are several home remedies for vomiting and nausea during pregnancy which is highly effective. Morning sickness is a classic symptom of pregnancy that troubles most women and leaves them anxious about why vomiting occurs during pregnancy. However, it is considered normal until the vomiting or nausea becomes severe which may lead to dehydration and a doctor must be consulted in such a situation.  The home remedies for vomiting and nausea during pregnancy will be discussed here:

How to prevent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?

If the vomiting occurs several times a day or is continuing for several days uncontrollably such that the woman is not able to eat or drink anything properly, medication is required to avoid hypereremis or dehydration. One may wonder about how to avoid vomiting during pregnancy, but it is not completely possible as vomiting occurs as the body adjusts to hormonal changes. So, one must rather ask questions about how to control pregnancy vomiting to their doctor and elderly ladies which will suggest the right remedies to alleviate such symptoms. Proper nausea and vomiting treatment will overcome the fear of morning sickness and replace the lost fluids of the body. Home remedies for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are:

  • Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, or lime added to tea or water is one of the great remedies to avoid vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Potato chips, eaten in moderation in the morning, have proved to highly effective in reduction of vomiting. Perhaps this is the only time when eating potato chips are considered beneficial to a woman! However, they have to be nibbled on and one should not risk having too many chips everyday as it will only contribute to increasing body fat. Read More...

1.) Herbal teas like chamomile tea or peppermint or ginger are great condiments that lift your spirit up and reduce nausea.

2.) Crackers should be eaten right in the morning before getting up from the bed to control vomiting. Home remedies include eating inexpensive and light snacks such as popcorn, cheese crackers, pretzels which can be nibbled all day long.

3.) In a bid on how to control vomiting during pregnancy, stick to clear liquids if you are having more vomiting than usual. It is important to replenish the body fluids to avoid dehydration and is also easy to digest without making the tummy feel heavy or inducing further vomiting. Coconut water, fresh fruit juices, water, buttermilk, herbal tea and cold soups do the trick. Rice water, extracted after sieving out boiled rice is also found to be effective.

4.) One of the home remedies for vomiting during pregnancy, suggested by many elderly ladies is consuming ground cumin seeds when the woman is experiencing nausea. A teaspoon of ground cumin seeds immediately alleviate the symptoms and provide relief.

5.) If one is perturbed about how to control vomiting during pregnancy, try eating fruits and vegetables that are high on water content. These include watermelon, cucumber, celery, grapes, pears, apples and fruit yoghurt.

6.) The spice rack also contains wonderful pregnancy nausea home remedies. Apart from cumin, fennel also has anesthetic properties which reduce queasiness. Ground fennel seeds, soaked in hot water for a couple of minutes can be consumed as a tea which immediately lessens nausea. Mint also has the same properties.

7.) How to control vomiting in pregnancy? Try smelling citrus fruits like lemon, or aromatic herbs like thyme or lavender. During pregnancy, smells bother you much more than they did before. Strong cooking smells or paint can induce vomiting. To avoid this scenario, keep the windows open and have a handkerchief scented with lavender or lime close to you at all times.

8.) Another one of Vomiting during pregnancy home remedies is having noodles, bread, pickles, lemonade or peanut butter, cakes which may suit a pregnant lady. Read More...
The diet must have a healthy mix of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Some pregnancy super foods are:

Vegetables and fresh fruits: spinach, ladyfinger, pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower and other green vegetables must be included in the diet alternately while monitoring the vitamin A intake. Brinjals, onion, celery, papaya, garlic and ginger must be avoided. Fruits to eat during pregnancy in India banana, black grapes, apricots, ripe mangoes and dates. Berries are also hugely beneficial as they are packed with Vitamin C, folate, potassium and healthy fiber. Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are great fruits during pregnancy which can be eaten as snacks or used as delicious toppings with cereal or pancakes.

Whole grains and pulses: dals, nuts, pulses and whole grains are sources of protein and a wide variety of these must be included in the diet. They become especially important if the mother-to-be does not eat meat.

Milk and dairy products: an important part of Indian food to eat during pregnancy is milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, cheese, cottage cheese which is high on calcium, vitamin B12 and protein.

Liquids: water is essential to keep the pregnant woman well hydrated. About 8 to 10 glasses of water must be drunk each day. Apart from this, coconut water, fresh fruit juices, buttermilk and herbal tea must be included in the diet. Cut down on caffeine-containing products like coffee, tea and colas.

Items made of whole grains and rice like paratha, poha, upma, Dalia, thepla, pulao and murmure are easy to digest and nutrient rich, so they must be included in Indian diet during early pregnancy. Read More...

An essential part of the baby shower ceremony is the godh bharai games during which playful teasing is a must. The games include guessing the baby’s gender for fun and making a list of the names for the future baby. Ladies indulge in a fair deal of dancing and singing of special traditional songs made for this ceremony. They may enact skits to tease the mother-to-be and her husband or present the future before them when the little baby enters their life. The festivities last for hours and are culminated by a feast for all the relatives and friends.

Tips for an exciting baby shower India:
  • Godh bharai is a time to enjoy the support and love of all the close friends and relatives. Make sure you take help from the elders in the family as well as your loved ones to make this ceremony a joyous event for all and also save yourself from unnecessary hectic schedules.
  • Take proper rest before the ceremony to enjoy these few special hours with ease. Dress yourself like a bride in a special saree, lehenga or salwar kameez but ensure that you are comfortable. Avoid very heavy clothing or jewellery that is suffocating.
  • Since the mother is showered with so many gifts, it may be a great idea to present small tokens of appreciation to all the women participating in the ceremony. Such godh bharai gift ideas include bangles, bindis, dupattas, perfumes or cosmetics. One may arrange for artists who apply henna to palms of all the ladies attending the ceremony. Read More...

Another one of natural abortion methods India is external use of the herb pennyroyal. One teaspoon of this essential oil can be consumed every 4 to 5 hours. Alternatively, pennyroyal capsules may also be used. Both the essential oil and capsules may be purchased from an herbalist. However, give a detailed description of your medical history to the herbalist as the herb might not suit you. One of the side effects of consuming pennyroyal is nausea.

Abortion in India is considered a big issue in the society and is preferred to be kept under wraps. Hence one of abortion natural methods may also be used to terminate an unplanned pregnancy safely. Angelica, Black cohosh and Dong Quai are some of the best herbs that can induce abortion by preparing the cervix and inducing contractions. These can be purchased from any standard herbalist who will prescribe the dosage as well.

There are several types of abortion in India, one of them being the D&C procedure. In this, the cervix is forcibly dilated by the doctor, causing premature delivery or death of the fetus. Thereafter, the uterus is cleaned to remove remnants of placenta. The method can cause damage to the mother and a through follow up is required after this procedure. This is one of the methods of abortion at 1 month which has side effects like vomiting, nausea and cramping.

For those wondering about how abortion is done in India must know that there are several other options as well. Menstrual aspiration is a technique wherein a doctor inserts a syringe into the uterus to dismember the pregnancy from the uterus lining. This procedure is also performed within a few weeks of a missed period. Read More...

Have intercourse: having sex a greater number of times, especially close to the ovulating days will obviously shoot up the chances of getting pregnant. People are confused about how to go about it, but the task is same. If one is wondering about how to get pregnant after marriage, enjoy your intimacy with your partner, and remain stress free. Having sex more frequently will increase your chances of success, however, getting pregnant may take time and the couple must not get worked up easily as it will do any good.

Sperm motility: getting pregnant does not solely depend on the woman. The man’s health also pays a crucial role. To ensure that the sperm is healthy, one may get a sperm count test. Other factors include sperm motility and morphology. It is important to keep the male healthy and stress free as well.

What are the precautions to be taken after intercourse to get pregnant: though there is no hard and fast rule about how to do sex after marriage in Hindu or any other religion, people have different beliefs and opinions about how to accelerate the process. The missionary position is considered better for getting pregnant, however the scientific fact is there is no good or bad position, but gravity does play a role in making the semen reach the cervix faster. Likewise, it is advised not to go to the bathroom immediately after having intercourse and lay low for 10 to 15 minutes.

Do not be overly obsessed: people are excessively worked up about after marriage how to get pregnant, which actually lowers the chances of being successful. It is important to de-stress in whatever way the couple feels is best for them. Also, having intercourse day and night is not normal, as healthy sperm will be alive for up to 72 hours during which fertilization may occur. It is important to give the body rest.

It is the sole decision of the couple about after marriage when to get pregnant. When they feel that they can support a family, they can begin trying to make a baby. After marriage how many months to get pregnant will depend upon a number of factors as stated above, but it is crucial that both the partners remain happy and healthy for being successful. Read More...