Finding the correct name for your baby can prove to be quite a tricky proposition indeed! In India people wait for the baby to be born, and then scramble to search for a name for their child! This is unlike western countries, where parents do some planning and spend some quality time zeroing in on the right name months before their baby is born!

Anyways, here are some tips that will help you find just the right name for your little one!

1.) SPEND SOME TIME WITH YOUR SPOUSE: It is always advisable to spend some time in searching for good Indian names with your spouse, rather than doing it alone. If your partner is not too tuned into researching for names on the internet, you could plan to get some print-outs of all the names shortlisted by you so that both of you can search through them.

2.) SHORTLIST: Do not pick just one name. It is always better to assemble a list of options, so that you can pick and choose the best one from them. And never settle for a name that you liked just because your neighbor’s daughter sports it or because your boss’s son is called so!

3.) TRY TO KEEP THE SILLY ONES OUT: It is better to refrain from giving your child a nick name that is short but equally silly! Jojo, for instance, or even Bittoo! Short names tend to stick, and nick names can remain with your child for life. So while nick names sound cute, especially when your baby is small, try to avoid giving your baby a nick name. Instead, try to dedicate some time in this effort and you could come up with some really nice names for your baby!


It is quite common for most communities across the Indian sub-continent to choose names for their baby based on the rashi system. In Indian astrology, the zodiac is sub-divided into 12 equal parts, and this division is called a Rashi.

There are 12 houses or Rashis:

KARKA:  for babies born in the English Zodiac sign of Cancer

The alphabets D and H are associated with this Rashi; boys and girls born between the period of June 21 and July 22 are given names starting from D and H.

Some popular names for baby boys who are born in the Karka Rashi are:

Baby boy names starting with the alphabet D :
Daanish, Daivick, Daksh, Dakshak, Daivam, Darshil, Darpak, Darpan, Dev, Deb, Debanshu, Deep, Deepak, Deepansh, Deeptoman, Devang, Devarya, Devya,

Baby boy names starting with the alphabet H:

Haarish, Haneesh, Hanush, Hardik, Harditya, Harbir, Haren, Hareeth, Hardit, Harman, Haroun, Harsh, Harsheel, Harshit,

Baby girl names starting with the alphabet D :

Daina, Darshana, Dapanshi, Darshini, Damyaa, Deekshana, Deepa, Deepal, Deepika, Deeya,Deveshi, Devashree, Dibyanshi, Diti, Dishita, Disha, Divi

Baby girl names starting with the alphabet H:

Hanshika, Hana, Harini, Harleen, Hanvita, Haripriya, Harshali, Harshaa, Harvii, Harneet, Harnoor, Hashrita, Haya, Hassini, Heer, Hia, Himaa, Henna,

For More Information : Indian Baby Names
When a mother gives birth to her baby her life transforms into one sublimely beautiful experience for both herself and her spouse! Giving birth to a little one is one of life’s most uplifting moments; the next step of the journey begins when both the excited parents have to choose a name for their baby! This is indeed the first stage of the whole exciting world of parenting, when a good baby name has to be chosen. It cannot be taken lightly though, as the little one will have a name all of its own, and this name will remain with the infant for the rest of his or her life!

Finding A Suitable Baby Name

The search for a baby name is in itself a very satisfying process, and if it is planned well it can be a creative experience for both the parents. Nowadays parents like to spend some valuable time in doing some research – there are thousands of names available – especially Indian names. Indian baby names are usually derived from the ancient language that has been around in our country for centuries – Sanskrit – and if parents spend some time in digging through the treasure of names available they can come up with some really nice names.

Many times the new parents find themselves flooded with suggestions, advice and tips on finding the right name for their baby. The wise thing here would be to refrain from getting influenced but both parents should try and steer clear of all the clutter and remain focused on finding a name by themselves! Finding an apt baby name is a beautiful part of the entire journey of parenting and this should not be spoilt by family relatives or friends jumping on to the bandwagon and insisting that their advice be taken seriously!

Popular Baby Names

Although there are many baby names that are tremendously popular, parents should take into account some basic factors while drilling down to a baby name:
  • They could take their own names into consideration while selecting a name- for instance, if the mother’s name is Veena and the father’s name is Jayant, a nice name for a baby girl could be “Ravija”, or if it is a boy it could be “Veeyant”!
  • Parents could also keep the first alphabets of their names in mind – for instance, if both their names begin with the letter “S”, a suitable name for the child could also begin with the letter S.
  • The sibling’s name could also be taken into account heres - if, for example, the elder sister’s name is Ananyaa, then the younger baby’s name could be Anushka, if it is a girl. Both names sound rather nice together!

Top Indian Baby Names

There are some top Popular Indian Baby Names doing the rounds right now:

Top Indian Girl Names :

Navya, Twisha, Trisha, Saayli, Aradhya, Ishika, Behaag, Priyanka

Top Indian Boy Names :

Abhishek, Aarav, Arvaan, Dhruv, Geet, Om, Arnav, Aarya

For More Information : Indian Baby Names
Today the world is very different than the one which is known to our ancestors. There was time when men work and women look into the household jobs.  But today as the market and industrial sector are growing, on the same pace its side effects, inflation and rising prices, are also growing. So to sustain the living one should be not just earning but earning more for a better living. This scenario created a situation where not just men work to feed the raising requirements and prices but also woman gives a helping hand to the men in the house. Hence it has become so much important to learn and earn in life and to become independent in today world. If one have to live a better living. It is like chain reaction, the more inflation in prices, the more it creates a necessity to earn a livelihood by doing some kind of job so that the future should be secured. But our world is not as easy as it seems to be. There are lots of challenges faced by working women as compared to working men.

Today, though the discrimination between man and woman has become trivial, but actually when it comes to the roles of working women, it gets difficult and challenging to debate on the same. Different people have different perceptions about what should be the priorities in the life of a working woman. Woman at work face various problems along with the good salary they are being paid.

To earn is today’s need hence the dilemmas of working women can’t be underestimated. There are lots of factors taken into consideration when a woman chooses to work.  The women who choose to work, in spite all the conditions and factors which forces her back, are laudable. They are paragon to our society.

Advantages of working women:
  • Working women are self dependent and can earn her and her children living without any dependency. They add to the income of the family and thus the life becomes easier. The bill’s also get paid easier.
  • They can help there better halves’ in supporting family finances and lessen the burden from the only people earning in the family.
  • They are the inspirations for the women, who cannot work because of society’s constraints. The orthodox people who think women should not work and just are subjected to the house work can convince them by providing knowledge about the pros of working women.
  • Working women becomes more responsible since they perfectly balance personal and professional lives and also they are respected in the society.
  • Working women’s personality enhances and they become confident when supporting the family and simultaneously helping children in home work, preparing food etc.
  • The creativity, professionalism and personality development in the woman can be improved and she comes out to be one is many.

Disadvantages of Working Women:
  • Sometimes working women didn’t get time to spend with family members. A child need’s to have at most company of the mother, which a working woman can’t give and at times becomes difficult.
  • Pressure of work and meeting deadlines can cause downfall in her health. Also there can be cases when she has to put some family commitment on hold due to work load and this can set a wave of anger and tiresome which sours her as well as family members mood.

For More Information : Working Women