Nowadays, more and more parents prefer single child due to various reasons. Even though they like more than one child, they prefer only single child. Reason might be different for different parents such as
  • Father and mother are professionals and do not have more time to spend for family. For such reason they prefer single child and try to focus more attention to give him/her quality time, care and love.
  • Due to financial problem, many parents cannot afford more children. They think that it is better to give more facilities to single child. They cannot provide good facilities to their children if more than one child.
  • In India many people live in a single room or even smaller than that. Due to space problem in home, many parents prefer nuclear family. Read More ...

The moment when you decide to have a baby is the best part of your life and brings your better half come closer to you than ever. It’s the biggest decision of your life and so you should follow certain things that are mentioned below before you take that big step and get pregnant.

1. Weigh yourself:

It can be problematic for you if you are underweight as ovulation can be affected with this and also it can increase chances of diabetes or high blood pressure in the body. So gain some extra kgs before you get pregnant so as to be safe in all respects.

2. Love to walk and travel around:

Go around and travel as much as you can before you are pregnant. Enjoy a good vacation with your hubby before you conceive as you might not be allowed to roam around when you are pregnant. Read More...

For pregnant women, the state in which their bodies are put in, they are required to know about some important facts. Several pregnant women are recorded to suffer one pregnancy-related complication or another each year. Pregnant women ignorant of these facts are usually those that fall victims of these complications. When adequate prenatal care is given to pregnant women, the risk of getting embroiled in any of these complications becomes minimal. Mothers and their babies therefore stand better chances of overcoming potentially serious consequences that may occur as a result of care given to them during the state of pregnancy.

Care during pregnancy for women has been known to be very important and the need for necessary steps to be taken is always stressed. Ideally, care for women should start even before they become pregnant although this may not be always practical or possible but things are made a lot better and easier if it could be done.

Care for pregnant women is best handled by trained hands and that is why pregnant women have to know of the right people to consult in their state. Obstetricians and gynecologists are medical practitioners who have been specially trained to take care of women in pregnancy and at childbirth. Family practitioners and certified nurse-midwives can provide specialized services to pregnant women such as obstetrical care, labor and delivery as well as postpartum care without the risk of complications. Read More...