Thirty fourth week of pregnancy is one of the most precarious stages during the period the infant is in the mother’s womb. It is the stage in which major organs of baby are at development stage. At this stage mother should be very careful because this is the week in which the baby positions itself in her womb and survival chances increases when baby is born after 34th week of pregnancy, if everything is normal with the baby.  Although some complications may occur but these are short term, babies born after this period i.e pregnancy after 34th week acquire complete normal life in long terms and hardly makes any difference with the fully matured babies. The mother feels a lot of discomfort and heaviness. But this pain is worth for giving birth to a beautiful baby.

Changes in 34th week pregnant woman’s fetus:
Normally Baby in 34th week weights around 4 to 5 pounds, bones developed fully but still flexible with week joints.

The average length of 34th week baby is about 17 to 18 inches, fat begins to accumulate in baby’s body which helps in maintaining the body temperature when the baby is born.

Central nervous system and lungs have just finished development.
Changes in body of the mother:

The pressure in the lungs and the chest which was huge before the 34th week for the pregnant mother will reduce.

The fetus movement in 34th week towards the pelvis will lead little pain.  The bottom of the belly becomes sensitive and the tissues surrounding it become gentle.

Woman will expirence heartburn. Since the levels of the acids inside the body is imbalanced after each knock from the 34th week pregnant fetus woman are said to expirence heartburn’s. Read More...
Body parts like the hands, face parts, legs, sides of the wists and feet bottom will start swelling. It is mandatory to contact the health advisory if the swelling is severe and if it is leading to dizziness, fainting and headache. Don’t worry and be patient as this phenomenon can be a reason of preeclampsia.

Because of retention of water swelling appears. The only way to get rid of it is just to drink more water. These symptoms disappear after the human pregnancy in 34th week is passed.

Tips from 34th week pregnancy India:

The solution for the heart burn during 34th pregnancy week is to eat seven to eight times a day rather than the daily routine of large meals of three times a day.

Remember the 34th week pregnant mother is carrying a life inside her.  Avoid wearing any kind of tight cloths which can be discomfort for the child or the mother. Loose, cloths of comfort or baggy clothes are advised.  This will be easy to go around, take a walk or rest on sofa.

If you want to go for a massage to reduce pains go for it. If your friends and family is around take help from them or find a massage center. This can help in reducing pain and swelling.

If you are a photography jerk. Go for it. This 34th week pregnancy development is the cutoff time for any kinds of photographs. The so called maternity photos. It gets hard to move the belli after the week is passed.

Stay away from cigarettes also smokers. This air can be harmful for the baby inside. Other things like alcohol, tobacco etc. should be avoided. Remember health is the prior thing to take care of. Read More...
A pregnant woman must have a balanced diet that is nourishing for her as well as her developing baby. During pregnancy, the baby derives all the necessary nutrition from the mother itself, while the mother undergoes a plethora of physical, hormonal and mental changes. To cope up with this stress, special care must be given to the woman’s diet to keep up with the course of pregnancy. However, while maintaining a balanced diet, one must also remember the foods to avoid during pregnancy in India. There are a number of edible items which are hazardous during pregnancy but are considered perfectly safe when consumed otherwise. One’s elders and the caregiver may draw attention to a chart of what not to eat during pregnancy in India. Here, we are going to discuss what not to eat during pregnancy and the reason why:

Papaya: one of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy in India is papaya, as it is known to cause miscarriages. The truth is that raw papaya is harmful for a pregnant woman as it contains latex that is known to induce contractions. Therefore, while one may consume fully ripened papaya fruit, unripe papaya can be detrimental to the pregnancy. Banana, ripe mango and black grapes are very nutritious and must be included in a pregnant woman’s diet.

Sesame seeds, jaggery and nuts: it is believed that sesame seeds can lead to uterus contractions, losing the fetus. Ground sesame seeds along with jaggery were used to induce abortion naturally in parts of India. Therefore, sesame seeds figure in the list of Indian foods not to eat during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Nuts like walnut, dates, raisins and pistachios are safe when consumed in moderation.

Indian foods to avoid during pregnancy: constipation and gas problems are common woes during pregnancy. To reduce such symptoms, do not eat high calorie fattening foods like paratha, thepla, kachauri, handwa, khaman and kadhi which can cause acidity. Eating sweet corn during pregnancy is advantageous as it is light on tummy and nutritious. Read More...

Indian vegetables to avoid during pregnancy: eggplant (baigan), chillies, garlic, onion, yam, ginger and celery must be cut down to ensure you do not lose your baby. On the other hand, consumption of seasonal vegetables like turai, lauki, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and parwal is hugely beneficial as they are high on nutrients. Use a number of vegetables in your diet rather than sticking to only one or two.

Herbs and spices: if one is wondering what not to eat during pregnancy in Indian food, take note of certain spices that must be avoided. Fennel seeds (saunf) and fenugreek contain compounds that act like estrogen and induce contractions of the uterus. Ajinomoto is also excluded from food chart during pregnancy as it can cause damage to the baby’s developing brain.

Raw eggs and unpasteurized milk: raw eggs may be contaminated by the salmonella virus, which can infect the woman and can cause damage to the baby. Same is the case with unpasteurized milk that can contain listeria. Listeria can cross the placenta and can infect the baby. Hence these are foods to avoid during pregnancy in India.

Seafood: oily fishes are beneficial for the mother. However, not all types of fish can be eaten during pregnancy. High mercury content fishes like mackerel and swordfish figure in the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy in India as they can cause serious brain damage to the developing fetus, causing retardation or mental disorders.  Oysters, smoked salmon and sashimi must be also be skipped.

Adapt to a healthy lifestyle: What not to eat in pregnancy in India will also include high caffeine content drinks like colas, coffee and tea. It goes without saying that alcohol, drugs and tobacco must be avoided before, during and after pregnancy. Read More...
After the initial excitement, the nine months of pregnancy can turn out to be a long wait for the baby, coupled with pregnancy woes like constipation, nausea, backaches and inability to do normal physical activities. This can make a woman dull and the pregnancy hormones also do their bit to make a woman teary eyed. In such situations, one should indulge in some cheerful activities during pregnancy to keep you in an upbeat mood. The subsequent text will cover fun activities for pregnancy:

Books to be read during pregnancy: readings books and articles are the greatest way to keep you entertained and informed. Best Indian books to read during pregnancy include Ramayana and Holy Bhagwad Gita who are believed to reach the baby and have a strong positive influence and initiate character building. Articles to read during pregnancy include baby care, diet during pregnancy and exercise during pregnancy which is published in newspapers and women’s magazines from time to time. Good books to be read during pregnancy for Indians are religious and informative books, which must be read aloud as a part of Garbha Sanskar, or educating the fetus.

If one is wondering which book to read during pregnancy, you may get a whole load of suggestions from your friends or colleagues or even off the internet. Books like A Child is Born, The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy are some of the most popular books on the list of what to read during pregnancy. People wondering what books to read during pregnancy can also opt for Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. Read More...

Books to be read during pregnancy Indian can include story books in Hindi or in English. One can choose from classic tales or any of the modern story books. Stories like Winnie the Pooh and books from Enid Blyton will keep the mother entertained and are good for the baby too, hence these are books to be read during pregnancy. If you do not have a penchant for novels or story books, you can take up reading magazines which have good articles to read during pregnancy.

Shopping spree: shopping is guaranteed to cheer any woman up. So buy some new clothes for the baby, or for yourself which you would like to wear after the delivery. Even visiting the mall for doing some window shopping is sometimes a good idea.

Music: another important part of the garbha sanskar is listening to soothing music. The melodies will not only take away the stress from the mother’s mind but is also effective in soothing the baby. One can listen to classical music or one’s favorite singer, but it should not be deafening.

Create a scrapbook: do frequent photo sessions of yourself as the pregnancy advances. Also collect little accessories, articles and items for your baby and put them together to create a timeline of your pregnancy. As years pass by, you will treasure the memories created by the scrapbook and will be able to share it with your child too.

Have a romantic getaway: the woman and her spouse may have become bored by their clockwork schedules or tired by the restrictions imposed on the pregnant lady. Every once a while, it is important the couple has some alone time like a romantic candle lit dinner, a movie or simply a stroll in the park to reconnect with each other and whisper sweet nothings.

Meditate: the best way to wean away your stress and anxiety is to meditate regularly. Taking deep breaths in fresh air and practicing yoga postures in presence of a trainer will ease your body and mind and prepare the body for labor by toning muscles. Read More...
Morning sickness affects more than half of the pregnant women to varying extents. The nausea and vomiting occur due to hormonal changes and are extremely common in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are several home remedies for vomiting and nausea during pregnancy which is highly effective. Morning sickness is a classic symptom of pregnancy that troubles most women and leaves them anxious about why vomiting occurs during pregnancy. However, it is considered normal until the vomiting or nausea becomes severe which may lead to dehydration and a doctor must be consulted in such a situation.  The home remedies for vomiting and nausea during pregnancy will be discussed here:

How to prevent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?

If the vomiting occurs several times a day or is continuing for several days uncontrollably such that the woman is not able to eat or drink anything properly, medication is required to avoid hypereremis or dehydration. One may wonder about how to avoid vomiting during pregnancy, but it is not completely possible as vomiting occurs as the body adjusts to hormonal changes. So, one must rather ask questions about how to control pregnancy vomiting to their doctor and elderly ladies which will suggest the right remedies to alleviate such symptoms. Proper nausea and vomiting treatment will overcome the fear of morning sickness and replace the lost fluids of the body. Home remedies for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are:

  • Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, or lime added to tea or water is one of the great remedies to avoid vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Potato chips, eaten in moderation in the morning, have proved to highly effective in reduction of vomiting. Perhaps this is the only time when eating potato chips are considered beneficial to a woman! However, they have to be nibbled on and one should not risk having too many chips everyday as it will only contribute to increasing body fat. Read More...

1.) Herbal teas like chamomile tea or peppermint or ginger are great condiments that lift your spirit up and reduce nausea.

2.) Crackers should be eaten right in the morning before getting up from the bed to control vomiting. Home remedies include eating inexpensive and light snacks such as popcorn, cheese crackers, pretzels which can be nibbled all day long.

3.) In a bid on how to control vomiting during pregnancy, stick to clear liquids if you are having more vomiting than usual. It is important to replenish the body fluids to avoid dehydration and is also easy to digest without making the tummy feel heavy or inducing further vomiting. Coconut water, fresh fruit juices, water, buttermilk, herbal tea and cold soups do the trick. Rice water, extracted after sieving out boiled rice is also found to be effective.

4.) One of the home remedies for vomiting during pregnancy, suggested by many elderly ladies is consuming ground cumin seeds when the woman is experiencing nausea. A teaspoon of ground cumin seeds immediately alleviate the symptoms and provide relief.

5.) If one is perturbed about how to control vomiting during pregnancy, try eating fruits and vegetables that are high on water content. These include watermelon, cucumber, celery, grapes, pears, apples and fruit yoghurt.

6.) The spice rack also contains wonderful pregnancy nausea home remedies. Apart from cumin, fennel also has anesthetic properties which reduce queasiness. Ground fennel seeds, soaked in hot water for a couple of minutes can be consumed as a tea which immediately lessens nausea. Mint also has the same properties.

7.) How to control vomiting in pregnancy? Try smelling citrus fruits like lemon, or aromatic herbs like thyme or lavender. During pregnancy, smells bother you much more than they did before. Strong cooking smells or paint can induce vomiting. To avoid this scenario, keep the windows open and have a handkerchief scented with lavender or lime close to you at all times.

8.) Another one of Vomiting during pregnancy home remedies is having noodles, bread, pickles, lemonade or peanut butter, cakes which may suit a pregnant lady. Read More...
The diet must have a healthy mix of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Some pregnancy super foods are:

Vegetables and fresh fruits: spinach, ladyfinger, pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower and other green vegetables must be included in the diet alternately while monitoring the vitamin A intake. Brinjals, onion, celery, papaya, garlic and ginger must be avoided. Fruits to eat during pregnancy in India banana, black grapes, apricots, ripe mangoes and dates. Berries are also hugely beneficial as they are packed with Vitamin C, folate, potassium and healthy fiber. Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are great fruits during pregnancy which can be eaten as snacks or used as delicious toppings with cereal or pancakes.

Whole grains and pulses: dals, nuts, pulses and whole grains are sources of protein and a wide variety of these must be included in the diet. They become especially important if the mother-to-be does not eat meat.

Milk and dairy products: an important part of Indian food to eat during pregnancy is milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, cheese, cottage cheese which is high on calcium, vitamin B12 and protein.

Liquids: water is essential to keep the pregnant woman well hydrated. About 8 to 10 glasses of water must be drunk each day. Apart from this, coconut water, fresh fruit juices, buttermilk and herbal tea must be included in the diet. Cut down on caffeine-containing products like coffee, tea and colas.

Items made of whole grains and rice like paratha, poha, upma, Dalia, thepla, pulao and murmure are easy to digest and nutrient rich, so they must be included in Indian diet during early pregnancy. Read More...

Another one of natural abortion methods India is external use of the herb pennyroyal. One teaspoon of this essential oil can be consumed every 4 to 5 hours. Alternatively, pennyroyal capsules may also be used. Both the essential oil and capsules may be purchased from an herbalist. However, give a detailed description of your medical history to the herbalist as the herb might not suit you. One of the side effects of consuming pennyroyal is nausea.

Abortion in India is considered a big issue in the society and is preferred to be kept under wraps. Hence one of abortion natural methods may also be used to terminate an unplanned pregnancy safely. Angelica, Black cohosh and Dong Quai are some of the best herbs that can induce abortion by preparing the cervix and inducing contractions. These can be purchased from any standard herbalist who will prescribe the dosage as well.

There are several types of abortion in India, one of them being the D&C procedure. In this, the cervix is forcibly dilated by the doctor, causing premature delivery or death of the fetus. Thereafter, the uterus is cleaned to remove remnants of placenta. The method can cause damage to the mother and a through follow up is required after this procedure. This is one of the methods of abortion at 1 month which has side effects like vomiting, nausea and cramping.

For those wondering about how abortion is done in India must know that there are several other options as well. Menstrual aspiration is a technique wherein a doctor inserts a syringe into the uterus to dismember the pregnancy from the uterus lining. This procedure is also performed within a few weeks of a missed period. Read More...