One must aim at creating an atmosphere similar to preschool at home. The child’s room must be full of engaging art and craft items and story books to enthuse his creativity. When the parents are doing their work, they can keep the child occupied by giving the child small and interesting tasks like modeling toys out of play dough or drawing their favorite things. Buy educational toys for the child and take time out to communicate with the child and also explain the purpose of preschool. Right age for playschool India for a child will depend on his readiness to induclge in curricular activities.

The child must not think of preschool as a burden. This is a crucial factor in deciding the right age for preschool in India. If the parents want to get their child enrolled, it is important that the child must be taught to think positively and think of school as fun. Take him to parks or social gatherings frequently where he/she will learn to interact with other children of his age and will be more comfortable in a classroom in future.

If the child is shy and does not talk to others, it is important that he starts interacting. To this end, encourage the child to take part in discussions and greet relatives. When you have visitors at your place, teach the child to introduce himself and make conversation with people, which will open him up gradually and build confidence.

If one is wondering what is the right age for preschool, first ensure your child is potty trained and can take care of him. Also, the child must be healthy and any health related concerns must be communicated to the preschool authorities to take special care of your child. Read More...

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