It seems that your little bundle of joy that slept in your arms the other day has grown so fast, that it is time to start looking for a preschool. Parents have several apprehensions regarding the right age for play school and the preschool that they should opt for. Though play schools start accepting children at a very tender age, it is entirely up to the parents when they deem their child has reached the optimum age for play school. In the following section, we will cover some important facets of development that will help decide whether your child has reached the right age for nursery admission in India, as there is no hard and fast rule to abide by when it comes to determining the correct age for play school for your little one.

Questions one should discuss to determine the right age for preschool for their child:

In today’s age, parents do not have time with their tight working schedules and managing homes at the same time, so they think that admitting their child to a good preschool at the earliest is the best way out to ensure their child’s complete development. Sadly, this is not true. Most of the schools start accepting students when they are about 2.5 years of age, but a number of factors come into account when it comes to determining the right age for schooling in India, and simply thinking that the child has all the skills required to manage school activities at such an age is not the right approach.

Is the child independent:
most preschools require that the child is able to take care of himself to a certain extent, like being potty trained, sleeping on his own, and washing his hands before and after a meal. If not, the child needs to be trained before joining a preschool and thus that time, will not be the best age for playschool for such a child.

Separation issues:
if the child has not spent any time away from his parents, it is going to be a tough call determining what the correct age for preschool is for such a child. The child is going to have a tough time in adjusting himself to an all new surrounding without any familiar faces if it is first time in such a scenario.
Development of child’s imagination: a vital factor in deciding what is the right age for nursery admission is to assess whether your child has the basic knowledge of the world around him and is interested in doing craft and art work on his own. If the child is interested in exploring new items and solving puzzles, he is suitable for admission. If not, the parents can prepare their child for preschool by giving some time each day to the child. Read More...

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