Tuberculosis or TB is an infectious disease that is thought to affect the liver. However, contrary to this popular belief TB can spread to other parts of the body through the blood stream. Tuberculosis spreads from one person to another by coming in contact with bacteria from an infected person, by coughing, spitting or sneezing. These bacteria remain in air for a long time and can infect others. However, it does not spread by touching or sharing of utensils.

What is Uterus Tuberculosis?

When a woman comes in contact with the TB bacteria, it affects her lungs and eventually reaches her reproductive system. The bacteria first affect the fallopian tubes after which the lining of uterus is infected, a condition known as Tuberculosis in Uterus. TB in uterus is not a genetic disease and is difficult to diagnose as the bacteria may remain inside the body in an inactive state for as long as 20 years.

Symptoms of Uterus TB:

Early diagnosis of uterus TB is still difficult even with the advances in medical field. As the TB bacteria remains in a dormant state inside the body for years, it might be late before the infection is diagnosed. Sometimes there are no apparent symptoms, but a list of most commonly observed uterus tuberculosis symptoms has been mentioned here:

  • Sudden loss of weight
  • Disturbance in the menstrual cycle
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Pain in pelvic region
  • High fever for a prolonged duration

Uterus tuberculosis treatment:

If uterus TB test is done and it is detected at an initial stage, it may be treated completely. A very effective medication known as anti-tubercular therapy or ATT counters the TB bacteria to eliminate it from the body completely. The AKT 3 tablets or Anti Koch’s 3 tablets are effective against uterus TB. The name stands for Koch’s bacillus or TB bacillus after the discoverer Robert Koch and because of the fact that the tablets are taken as a kit of 3 on daily basis. This treatment continues from 6 to 9 months depending on severity of infection. It treats the pain and fever but may not repair the fallopian tubes f they have already damaged. It is important to be sure about TB medication before starting off with the treatment course.

How does uterus tuberculosis affect fertility?

Many women are worried and ask questions like, “will taking Uterus TB tablets affect my menses?” The truth is, TB in uterus can be treated if it is at an early stage. However, in serious cases it can lead to scarring of tissue and scanty periods. If the uterus lining has been damaged severely, the fertility of these women will be compromised.

Having tuberculosis in uterus with pregnancy:

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed of uterus TB, she has to take extra care of her baby and her body. Proper precautions must be taken to protect the health of the baby as the anti-TB medication has several side effects as well. Uterus tuberculosis patient pregnancy needs to be closely monitored by her doctor to prevent any complications in the future. A balanced and healthy diet with proper rest is the utmost necessity for a pregnant woman suffering with uterus TB. The doctor will prescribe special medication and create a diet chart for such cases.

The body needs sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and protein to fight with the TB bacteria in the body. Hence one must include a fair share of green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits in the diet. Additional vitamin supplements may be prescribed by the doctor. One must completely avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol as well as fried and fatty foods.

For More Information : Tuberculosis of uterus

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