Amniotic fluid forms an essential part of the baby’s life support system inside the mother’s womb. It provides a cushioning effect to protect the baby from injuries and also gives space for the baby to move around freely. It allows for the proper development of limbs and protects the umbilical cord from being damaged by less room between the uterine wall and growing baby. The fluid is initially mainly water provided by the mother, but gradually becomes mostly formed by the baby’s urine. Hence, less water during pregnancy may indicate some issues regarding baby’s health due to low urine output. The amount of amniotic fluid can sometimes be too low or too high, which must be treated as early as possible. Amniotic fluid deficiency can lead to pregnancy complications like birth defects or miscarriage.

Meaning of oligohydramnios:

The condition of having low amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac is called oligohydramnios. The expectant mother’s doctor can measure the amount of fluid using several techniques like deep pocket measurement or Amniotic Fluid Index. If the fluid is less than 500 ml in the last month of gestation or fluid level is lesser than 5 cm, then the woman may be expected to suffer from oligohydramnios. Around 4 percent of pregnant women are diagnosed with low water level during pregnancy, meaning oligohydramnios. Though this condition can occur anytime during the gestation period, it is most common during the third trimester as the level of fluids decreases to almost half by the 41st week.

Low amniotic fluid causes:

There can be several reasons for decrease in amniotic fluid during pregnancy. The fluid level naturally comes down during the last weeks of pregnancy. However, prior reduction in amniotic fluid may be attributed to:

  • Premature rupture of membranes in the amniotic sac can cause leaking or slow trickling of the amniotic fluid
  • A condition called as placental abruption, where the placenta gets de- attached from uterine wall either partially or completely before delivery can cause oligohydramnios.
  • Underdevelopment of the baby or certain heath problems like improper functioning of kidney could result in low urine output. In some cases, the placenta is unable to provide the baby with sufficient nutrients so the baby stops recycling fluid.
  • Some heath conditions of the mother like preeclampsia, dehydration, diabetes or high blood pressure can also be the contributory factors for fluid deficiency during pregnancy. Anemia is not really a cause of loss of amniotic fluid, though many people think it is.

Treatment for low amniotic fluid:

All those who are diagnosed with oligohydramnios are recommended a specified course of treatment to prevent future pregnancy complications. The doctor might recommend having lots of fluids, especially if the mother is dehydrated. Low amniotic fluid at 40 weeks can be treated by multiple techniques to prevent complications during delivery.

  • Intake of a lot of fluids and change in diet are the first steps that are recommended to increase the level of amniotic fluid. However, the course of treatment varies with the age of expecting lady as well as gestational age. For those who are not yet full terms, several tests including blood test, ultrasound and stress test follow to closely monitor the baby’s movements. For those who have completed the full term, delivery is suggested in most cases.

  • Low amniotic fluid treatment options also include Amnio-infusion or amniocentesis. In the former, fluid is added with a catheter during labor which provides padding to the baby and lowers the chances of having a C-section. In the latter case, fluids are injected before delivery which gives the doctors an appropriate window to make diagnosis about baby’s condition.

Risks associated with oligohydramnios:

Can low amniotic fluid cause birth defects? This is a pertinent question in the mind of almost every mother. Unfortunately, it is true. Amniotic fluid is essential for healthy development of the baby’s limbs, lungs, digestive system and muscles. Apart from serving the function of cushioning the baby, during the second and third trimesters, babies swallow amniotic fluid which helps in fortifying the lungs. During the first trimester, oligohydramnios can cause complications like birth defects, and even miscarriage and stillbirth. During later stages, complications include premature labor, cord compression and C-section delivery.

For More Information : Low amniotic fluid affect pregnancy
Pregnancy is a wonderful time in any woman’s life. In these nine months, she creates a unique loving bond between her and her unborn baby and makes heaps of future dreams about her little one. As soon as the news of the pregnancy spreads, the mother-to-be is surrounded by a hoard of relatives, colleagues, friends and well wishers who seem to be equally excited with the good news and have several advices for the lady. There are several do’s and don’ts which might be piled upon a woman from her elders and family members in Indian pregnancy. Some of such advices are based on scientific principles, while many others are purely misconceptions. There are several pregnancy myths which vary from country to country which can also be based upon determining the gender of the unborn baby. The following section will cover the most common pregnancy myths in India.

  • Gender prediction during pregnancy in India : many Indians believe that the shape of the pregnant lady’s stomach gives away the gender of the baby she is carrying. If the stomach is carrying the baby high, it is a girl and otherwise it is a boy. This is a myth and has no scientific basis as the shape of the belly is hugely dependent on the original shape and features of the mother’s uterus, abdominal muscles, and the history of previous pregnancies as well. Pregnancy in India is a huge issue with several myths, and this is just one of them.

  • A pregnant woman must eat for two : during pregnancy, India can surely get on one’s nerves. Elders constantly advise the mother to make her diet manifold, but only 300 to 400 calories extra are sufficient to provide all the nutrition to the growing fetus. Having a nutrient rich diet is important rather than just doubling up on the calories, as the baby is not a grown adult like the mother.

  • Skin tone and facial structure determines gender of baby : one may have their aunties and grandmothers saying that they are carrying a girl because of the sudden glow on the face. However, the pregnancy glow is due to hormonal changes during this period and is same for everyone, regardless of carrying a boy or a girl.

  • Baby’s heart rate is conclusive of the gender : gender prediction during pregnancy in India is so prevalent that every second person has his own opinion. Some people strongly believe that if the fetus’s heart rate is slow, it is a boy and faster heart rate indicates that the baby is a girl. However, it depends totally on the heath and the development of the fetus and this myth is hence, baseless.

Gender prediction according to Hindu mythology is also done when a pregnant woman craves for certain foods. Some people believe that having spicy food can lead to pregnancy complications. If the mother has pimples on her face, which could actually be the result of pregnancy hormones and having too much of fried and spicy foods, people speculate that it is going to be a baby girl according to Indian gender prediction beliefs. People go to extreme lengths to know the gender of the unborn baby. Gender prediction in India has become a root cause of female infanticide and hence tests which determine the baby’s gender have been made illegal to prevent them from becoming tools to merely satisfy the curiosity of people and result in abortion of female fetus. Such tests include ultrasound and Amniocentesis, which must be carried out by specialized doctors only to monitor the baby’s heath and look out for genetic abnormalities or pregnancy complications at the right time.

There are several other myths which surround pregnancies in India. These include:

Hindu mythology for pregnant women says that if the woman is completing her term somewhere around the full moon, it will stimulate labor. However, moon’s appearance does not affect labor at all.

Apart from baby gender prediction in Hindi mythology, it is believed that consumption of certain foods like oranges and saffron gives fairer skin tone to the baby. Although these foods are beneficial, they do not alter the skin tone as it is solely dependent on the baby’s genes. It is best to consult your doctor to determine what the best diet is for you.

For More Information : Pregnancy myths in India
Giving birth to a baby and taking round the clock care of her can be extremely exhausting. It takes time for the mother’s body to recuperate from the stress of delivery and labor. Diet after delivery must be as nutritious as possible as the mother is responsible for not only recovering from the huge changes that have occurred in her body in the past weeks but is also the sole source of food for her teeny little one. Food after delivery must be particularly rich in Iron and proteins to give your child all the essential nutrients which will serve as a foundation for a healthy body throughout her life. If the post delivery diet is devoid of sufficient nutrients, the mother will also feel exhausted and weak from the round the clock feeding of the baby and may soon develop health problems. Regardless of whether one is breastfeeding or not, it is crucial that diet after delivery for mothers is given paramount importance.

In the forthcoming section, we will provide an insight into how to create a diet chart after delivery to maintain a good health after delivery.

1.) Foods that must be included in the mother’s daily diet:
after delivery, it is all about keeping yourself energized while trying to lose all the pregnancy pounds gained during the 9 months. However, one must not immediately begin dieting or go on a rigid exercise schedule as it will only prove detrimental to the body. Instead, the diet after pregnancy must be such that it is not fattening and aids in weight loss while giving proper nutrition. Hence, some power-packed items that are a must in post pregnancy diet include lots of milk and milk products like yoghurt, cheese and cottage cheese to keep up the calcium and iron level. Also, include several sources of carbohydrates obtained from items like chapattis, parathas, khichdi, oats porridge and pulao. The after pregnancy diet must be high on proteins which can be gained from fish, meat, eggs, pulses and milk. Be sure to include at least two or more fruits like mango, black grapes, apples and dates in your everyday diet. Having mixed fruit custard and fruit juices as snacks and morning beverage may be a great idea to keep you energized while cutting down on the harmful caffeine at the same time.

Mothers must also drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to avoid dehydration. Have frequent snacks but cut down on fried or fatty foods.

2.) Foods to stay away from:
many nursing mothers suffer from problems like indigestion or constipation. It is therefore advised to stay away from aerated drinks, friend snacks or spicy food items. Such items include sandwiches, cakes, burgers, pizzas and pakodas. All these items must be eaten as little as possible. Likewise is the case with sodas, colas, coffee, tea, tobacco, betel leaves and cigarettes which are a strict no-no in diet after normal delivery. A nursing mother should steer clear away from foods like jackfruit and onion in after delivery diet which may cause colic in babies.

3.) Post pregnancy diet India:
The after pregnancy diet must be light on tummy yet packed with nutrients. The Indian diet after delivery include healthy items like oats dalia, turmeric, saunth laddoos, items made from gud or jaggery and fennel seeds, mustard are good for the mother. Some other edible items which are extremely beneficial for mothers include ajwain seeds, pulses, black sesame seeds and fenugreek. Each of these has goodness which cleanses the digestive tract and tones the uterus to prevent after pregnancy problems and aids in faster recovery. They have been recommended by elders since ages. If one is wondering about what to eat after pregnancy Indian food, these food items will prove to be extremely beneficial.

The diet for mother after delivery of baby must be balanced and nutritious for health of mother and the newly born.

For More information : Diet plan after the delivery

How to reduce tummy after delivery?

It is a pertinent question that troubles each mother after giving birth to her little bundle of joy. Post delivery period is joyous but equally hectic for the mother feeding her baby every other hour and constantly thinking about exercise to reduce tummy after delivery. Tummy reduction after delivery is essential for all mothers, especially working moms who want to get back in shape as fast as possible. However, the body has undergone a lot of stress during labor and hence one must give it an appropriate period of rest before beginning with exercises after normal delivery.

When is the right time to start exercise after delivery to reduce tummy?

If one has continued with light exercises like walking or Kegel exercises all through pregnancy period it is safe to continue the same even after delivery. However, it is recommended to wait for at least six weeks prior to start real exercises to reduce tummy after delivery. After the six week postpartum checkup, one can move up from exercises like walking to light aerobics and swimming to reduce belly after delivery. As one feels that their body is gaining strength, the duration of exercises can be increased gradually. If one has not exercised during pregnancy period, it is best to consult your doctor to take advice about how to reduce tummy after delivery. After delivery, the ligaments and muscles or the body are loose and there is leftover fluid in your uterus, which implies that it will take around 3 months to your body to regain its original shape. In case of a C-section, the doctor may advise you to wait for up to 9 weeks before beginning with any kind of exercise schedule. How to reduce stomach after delivery: the best exercises

A postpartum exercise specialist will show you the best way as to how to reduce belly after delivery. Following the expert, one may head to the gym, recreation centers or Yoga centers that have special classes for new moms.

1. Kegels:
these are the best beginner exercises for new moms. One has to sit on a bench and contract the hip muscles, as if trying to control urination before releasing and standing again. The exercise has to be repeated 10 to 20 times in each set.

2. Sit ups and leg lifts:
these are the most common exercises to tone your muscles. Coupled with other exercises like jogging, swimming and cycling, an exercise schedule for up to each hour a day will aid in making the new mom fit in a matter of weeks.

3. Stomach exercises:
if you are worried about how to reduce stomach after normal delivery, doing crossover sit ups is going to help you a lot. There are separate exercises for upper and lower abdominal muscles for excited mothers anxious about after delivery how to reduce tummy.

4. For tightening your tummy, lie with your back on the floor and bend your knees. Thereafter, lift up your legs to bring the knees close to the thighs with the hands touching the thighs. One can join an aerobic centre and consult an expert practitioner on how to reduce tummy after pregnancy.

5. Make sure that you are never dehydrated and keep plenty of fluids and some fruits with you during exercises as well. Easting a nourishing diet after pregnancy is equally important for the mother’s body and figure. If you are worried about how to reduce post pregnancy tummy, following a balanced diet and a regular exercise schedule will definitely accelerate the process of recovery and jumping back to your previous routine.

For More information : Stomach after Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time when a woman gets in touch with her true feminine side. During these 9 months, the soon-to-be mother develops a unique bond with her child and begins to care for the baby even before she is born. It is important that pregnant women take a balanced diet to ensure all the necessary nutrients reach the mother’s body as well as provide nourishment to the developing fetus.

A pregnancy diet chart is the best way to estimate the daily nutritional requirements and stick to them. During early pregnancy a woman may feel exhausted and show lack of appetite but to keep one energized, following a pregnancy diet plan is essential. In the forthcoming section, we will cover some details about a diet chart for pregnant women.

A diet plan for pregnant women must be cleverly thought of and implemented. All the meals from the breakfast to the dinner must contain all the essential nutrients and not contain unnecessary fats which may lead to putting up of additional pounds by the pregnant woman. A healthy diet menu can be of the following type:

1.) A refreshing breakfast:
the most common woe of pregnant women is morning sickness and nausea. To avoid these, it is important that the pregnancy food chart lists out a nutritious yet light morning beverage like herbal tea, fruit juice like apple or tomato, toned milk or a whole hearted nutrition of a dry fruit milk shake. Beginning the day with a refreshing drink clears out the toxins and leaves you toned for the coming day. Next item in the pregnancy food chart is the breakfast, which is considered the most important meal of the day even during pregnancy. Therefore, it must be loaded with nutrients. Some beneficial suggestions for breakfast include- whole wheat bread, idlis, dhoklas, ravas dosas, vegetable omelette and the goodness of dry fruits like cashew nuts. Other nutritious options include fruits like dates, apples, apricots, oranges and porridge, oats, upma or spinach parathas served with yoghurt.

2.) The brunch:
the mid-morning meal or brunch is the time when pregnant women would like to munch on something, so this snack must not be too heavy or fatty. Soups are the best option for this meal according to diet for pregnant woman. One can draw up a schedule with different soups for each day of the week to receive all vitamins and minerals without feeling monotonous. Some options are Minestrone soup, tomato soup, mixed vegetable soup and creamy spinach soup.

3.) The nourishing lunch: Pregnancy is also the time when women have food aversions and sudden cravings. Hence, the diet plan during pregnancy varies from woman to woman with the basic aim of fulfilling all dietary requirements. When it comes to lunch, one must remember not indulging in a heavy meal that makes the woman feel lethargic or drowsy. Insist on rotis with a bowl of pulses and green leafy vegetables to provide fibres, carbohydrates, micro and macro nutrients and vitamins. Sprouted salad, curd, raita, vegetables like carrots, peas, cauliflower and an appropriate serving of rice must be included in Indian diet for pregnant women.

4.) Evening snacks:
cut down on caffeine containing products like coffee, tea and aerated drinks and switch to milk and green tea which will have a soothing and toning effect on the pregnant body. Instead of munching on chips and cookies during evening, switch to fruits like apples, dates, nuts and have a small vegetable sandwich, fruit smoothie or delicious gourd or carrot halwa as per diet chart during pregnancy.

5.) Dinner:
the last meal of the day must always be light. Good dinner dishes include Dal, vegetable Biryani, khichdi, palak paneer and various salads along with curd or buttermilk.

The diet chart for pregnancy month wise must be drawn out as the requirement of the body change with the growing baby. Pregnancy diet for Indian women is crucial as there are majority of malnourishment cases reported due to poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

For More information : Pregnant women Diet Plan

Giving birth to a baby is one of the most beautiful moments of a woman’s life. The joy of motherhood is a feeling indescribable. Right from the moment a woman becomes aware that a tiny little one is growing inside her, she begins to love her with all her heart. During the nine months of pregnancy, the woman has to be very careful about her baby and her health. Care of pregnant women can be a difficult task and the partners are required to be supportive at all times. Pregnant women must be fully aware of the changes taking place inside their bodies to avoid any complications and take proper care during pregnancy. Several books are available on pregnancy and internet is a great help in determining how to care during pregnancy. In the forthcoming section, we will cover several important tips on care to be taken during pregnancy.

The first step towards a healthy pregnancy is to change one’s dietary habits. Take proper meals on the right time and include all nutrients in a balanced manner. The baby developing in the mother’s womb is totally dependent on her for nutrition and hence your pregnancy diet must be capable of keeping the mother and baby healthy. The top care in pregnancy is that the diet must contain an array of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, milk and dairy products.

Pregnancy care includes coming out of harmful habits like smoking and drinking. Alcohol and tobacco is detrimental to the baby’s health and must be avoided at all costs. Even passive smoking is harmful for the baby. Likewise, a pregnant lady must cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and aerated beverages to prevent problems like indigestion and constipation. Switching to herbal tea and fruit juices brings down the morning sickness, bloating and nausea that pregnant women are quite prone to. Avoid eating fried foods, synthetic and processed food items as well.

A few simple tips can go a long way to a healthy pregnancy, like taking a regular nap and drinking adequate amount of water. During sleep, your baby rests as well and your body repairs itself. It is advised to drink at least 8 to 9 glasses for water each day to flush out toxins from your body.

For all loved ones who are worried about how to take care of pregnant lady, you can do your bit by helping her exercise and if you are the partner, both of you can go to Yoga or special exercise sessions for expecting couples together. Joining such sessions helps learning valuable tricks and breathing exercises which help in a smooth delivery. Childbirth and breastfeeding classes make the couple ready for the actual experience and save them from unnecessary problems when the baby actually arrives.

Visiting your doctor on scheduled visits as well as whenever you experience any discomfort is the best care for pregnant women. During the first visit, the doctor runs several tests to ensure that the baby and the mother are healthy. He recommends prenatal vitamins and Iron and Calcium supplements that must be taken by the woman without fail.

One of very important care tips during pregnancy is to avoid certain foods like blue cheese and fishes like swordfish and catfish. Exposure to such items may put your baby’s life to risk. Also, if you have a pet cat, do not change cat litter during pregnancy and brush your teeth regularly. Poor dental health can sometimes lead to complications during pregnancy, so visit your dentist regularly.

For husbands perplexed about how to care in pregnancy time, avoid unnecessary burden on the woman by helping her in daily activities and stopping her from undertaking strenuous physical activities.

Pregnancy care tips
are hundreds in number. So make sure you refer your doctor and elders regularly and have a balanced diet with a healthy lifestyle. Most of all avoid stress and enjoy the bliss of pregnancy for this period seldom comes back. 

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To get a pregnant is a dream of every woman. Pregnancy changes life of woman. Woman experiences great feeling during pregnancy. It is very essential to know about pregnancy in early stage to start tender care. Experienced mother or woman when she gets pregnant for the second time can easily identified her pregnancy, but many women who get pregnant for the first time may not know easily about her pregnancy. There are many signs or tips that can help you to confirm with you that you are pregnant or not.

Important Information to Identify Pregnancy Symptoms

When you missed your period

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